
Message from Fr. Berg

Dear Faithful of ICC,
By now many of your have read the news that I was just elected by my confreres as Superior General of the Fraternity of St. Peter. For our parish, there is no doubt that it is not an ideal time for this to happen. I am not sure there would ever be an ideal time. You have probably heard me ask rhetorically many times: “who has it better than Fr. Audino and I?”
More importantly it is hard to have this happen at the same time that Fr. Audino is departing for further studies and that we are finishing the renovation. The North American Provincial is very much aware of the needs of the Parish and the Archbishop will ensure that it is someone up to the task.
I will be back at ICC this Sunday for the break in the Chapter. We will hold a parish meeting for any who wish to attend in the church basement following the 10:00 am Mass to talk about where we stand and answer any questions.
I ask for your fervent prayers!
O Mary Conceived without Sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Fr. Berg