
Announcements for this Sunday

First Communion Mass Schedule this Sunday, May 5
Sunday Mass for May 5: 7:00 am Low Mass, 8:15 Low Mass, 10:00 am Solemn Mass & 1:00 pm Low Mass. The 10:00 am First Communion Mass is reserved to those who have been invited by the families of First Communicants. All other parishioners should be sure to attend one of the other three Low Masses that day.

May Crowning and Rose Sale on Mothers’ Day
Next Sunday, May 12, ICC will hold its May Crowning ceremony following the 10:00 am Mass. The First Communicants are asked to come dressed once again in their First Communion dresses and suits to process in for the crowning.
Roses will be available for a donation in the back of church following all the Masses (or until they run out).  They can be obtained either to be given to mothers or brought up in procession for Our Blessed Mother that day.

Masses on Rogation Days this Week
Monday, May 6, at ICC procession beginning from the church at 6:15 am
(We will be blessing the beautiful gardens that were just planted on the north and south sides of the Church – many thanks to the Ohlheiser family!).
Wednesday, May 8, at the Sindelar farm at 5:30 pm.