“Bear ye one another’s burdens; and so you shall fulfill the law of Christ.”
In following up on this exhortation of St. Paul a few Sundays ago, there are a few concrete opportunities at ICC:
- We would like to organize regular visits to parishioners of ICC who are homebound or in long-term care facilities. If you are willing to help with this corporal work of mercy, please contact Erin Sullivan at 402-669-2682 or by email at jandesully1971@gmail.com for more details. Thank you!
- We have a small family who is in great need of a car. If you have simple, old but reliable car that you could donate, please contact Fr. Berg via email or phone.
- ICC does not have a “poor box” due to security concerns. Alms for the poor can be given at any time by marking the envelope or the check clearly with “alms for the poor”. This can be put in the collection, brought to the sacristy or even slipped under the locked sacristy door.