
Departure of Fr. John Audino, FSSP

As announced, Fr. Audino has been assigned by the Fraternity of St. Peter to do graduate studies in Washington, DC at the Dominican House of Studies. Although he will be greatly missed at ICC, this new assignment will be a great help to the Fraternity and the formation of its future priests for years to come.

His semester starts at the end of August, so he will depart from ICC just after Sunday, August 18.

There will be a going away party for Father at the Sindelar Farm in Fort Calhoun on the evening of August 17 that will be open to the whole parish. Further details will follow, but please save that date now.

For those who are from out of town or for whom that evening will not work, there will also be a light reception after each of the Masses on Sunday, August 18 to have a chance to speak with Fr. Audino and express your thanks and goodbyes.