
Holy Week Announcements

Pro-Life intention: on March 26, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case that has the potential to make a major impact in the widespread accessibility of chemical abortion (abortion pills). Chemical abortions are now the most common form of abortion in the United States. We are asked to pray to St. Joseph from March 25 through June, so we will add this intention to our ongoing Novena to St. Joseph.

Many thanks to those who filled their Mater Filius containers during Lent. We will have a a box available the next two Sundays in the back of church to collect them. The box will be emptied after each mass to make sure all is accounted for! If you would like to know more about this Catholic House:

Fr. Audino’s Class on Actively Participating in the Sacrifice of the Mass (Part II) will take place on Tuesday at 7:00 pm, following the evening Mass.

The Tenebrae books have sold out. They can be ordered on Amazon if you would like to obtain your own copy. Otherwise, we have over 40 copies that will be available for those who wish to borrow one during the three ceremonies.