
October 1, 2024

Dear Faithful of Immaculate Conception,

Just a few points and reminders of things coming up…

There is no evening mass today October 1st, us priests will be at the Archdiocesan Clergy Conferences.

This Sunday October 6 is the Pro-Life Chain on Dodge Street from 2 to 3 pm. We will be gathering between 69th and 70th on the South Side of Dodge. Please be cautious and attentive to pedestrians and keep a close eye on the children of the parish as well as any potential dangerous people who may be there with bad intentions. Look out for one another. Thank you for your public and pious witness!

There is a very sad initiative that will be on the ballot called Initiative 439 which seeks to enshrine Abortion as a “right” in Nebraska. This Initiative should be rejected and voted against as it is evil. There is a Novena being offered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that we will be saying after the masses for this purpose beginning today. It involves saying the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus along with the prayer…“God Almighty Father, creator of all human life, we implore your love and mercy uponthepeopleofthe stateofNebraska, as we face serious threats
to the dignity and sanctity of human life. We beg you, O Lord,
to move the hearts and minds of all Nebraskans to vote against the Pro – Abortion initiatives,
which would do profound and lasting harm to women and babies in our state. Bestow upon us the grace, eternal Father, to remain steadfast in our charity and care for all pregnant women and preborn babies, that they would know yourprotection and faithful love. Grant this prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, pray for us.”