The annual Archdiocesan Pastoral Conference will take place this Saturday, October 1, from 9 am to 12:30 pm.
The Archdiocese has taken a very frank look at the numbers which show that more and more Catholics are falling away from the faith, and has invested heavily in tying to equip Catholics to follow our Lord’s command: “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” This is the fundamental purpose of the Conference. Archbishop Lucas himself will be addressing all of the faithful of the Archdiocese during the conference.
The St. Joseph Loft will be set up tomorrow to host a large number of the faithful of ICC from 9:00-12:30 with a large screen and refreshments to stream the Conference.
We know, however, that ICC is unique in that so many parishioners come from great distances on Sunday and many others have large, young families that will make attendance in person impossible. In these cases, please log in to stream the event from home. You can connect using this link.