
Visit of Fr. Massimo Botta

Fr. Massimo Botta will be making a brief visit to Omaha and will offer a Sung Mass here at ICC on this Wednesday night, November 30, the feast of St. Andrew. The Sung Mass will be at 6:00 pm.

Following the Mass there will be a informal potluck (meaning even less formal than your average potluck) in the gymnasium. The main purpose is to allow all of the faithful who knew him at ICC to have a chance to visit with Fr. Botta for a few minutes. Please bring enough food for your own family. We would also ask that people help with the set up and take down of tables and chairs in the gym.

Other news:

  • The parish Nativity Play and Christmas party will take place on Sunday, January 1. Because the priests want to stay and enjoy the day with the parishioners, we will move the Sung Mass on January 1 to 1:00 pm, with the party to follow.
  • Jacob Stein is producing videos for the Roman Stational Churches for Advent just as he did for Lent. You can access these videos which are posted on YouTube here.