
Wednesday, September 18

Holy Name Society – Out of respect for Mr. O’Brien who passed away this week and for his wake that will be on Thursday, the Holy Name Society will be moved again to the following Thursday, September 26th. Sorry for the Confusion this month. In October we will plan on meeting for the Holy Name on the 10th.

Ember Days – This Wednesday and Friday are Ember Days in the Church (Saturday’s ember day gets trumped by St. Matthew’s Feast). These are Penitential Days that occur seasonally in the Church to make reparation for sin, to thank God for another fruitful season and to ask for His continued blessings for the upcoming year. As these days are focused on gratitude for the Providence in God for providing us with food, crops, and good weather, the Church particularly prays for and gives thanks for the continued vocation in the Church. During these Ember Days remember the Church and continue to pray for Vocations and the Bishops who lead them.

Welcome Fr. Kasak and Deacons this Weekend – Fr. Kasak FSSP will be offering the 10:00 am high mass this Sunday. And we welcome Rev Mr. Matthew Jagas and Rev Mr. John Francis Sullen from the seminary. Please keep them in your prayers.