Corpus Christi Procession
Tomorrow ICC will hold its External Solemnity for Corpus Christi at the 10:00 am Mass. Please be aware of the following:
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Novena in preparation for the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus begins this year on June 7. Please find below a link to download the Novena by St. Alphonsus Liguori that we will be doing each day at ICC following the 6:45 am Mass. The Novena would be […]
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart
In order to help families prepare for the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart or to renew it, we are making the two texts below available. The first is a summary of what is necessary to prepare for the Enthronement. The second is a longer booklet with many prayers and devotions […]
Reception for Fr. Schwab & Fr. Gomez
Please remember to join us at the 10:00 am Mass of Pentecost tomorrow for the First Mass of Fr. Evan Schwab and following it for the reception and first blessings of both of the new priests. For the reception please be sure to bring a side dish. The main course […]
End of the Week Announcements
Spiritual Exercises Retreats Offered in July
A 3-Day Weekend Silent Retreat for Women and a another 3-Day Silent Retreat for Men will be offered at Waverly Retreat Center, Nebraska based on the Spiritual Exercises this July. Traditional Latin Mass retreats (Women: June 30-July 2; Men: July 7-9)They will be preached by Fr. Jeffery Jambon, L.C., the […]
FSSP National Dodgeball Invitational
Immaculate Conception will host the Second Annual National Invitational Dodgeball Tournament for FSSP altar servers on Thursday, May 25. The Tournament will begin at 2:30 pm with teams coming in from other FSSP apostolates around the United States. It will end prior to a 6:00 pm Solemn Mass for all […]
Burial Mass of Fr. Terrence Gordon at ICC
Immaculate Conception Church will have the honor of holding the Mass of Burial of Fr. Terrence Gordon, FSSP, at 2:00 pm on Thursday, May 11, 2023. Fr. Terrence Gordon served faithfully at Immaculate Conception from 2009 to 2013. It will be a Solemn Mass of Burial with his two brothers, […]
R.I.P. Fr. Terrence Gordon, FSSP
We were informed this evening by the North American Province of the FSSP of the sad news that Fr. Terrence Gordon, FSSP, passed away suddenly this evening, April 28. Fr. Gordon was a beloved assistant priest here at ICC, known by all for his priestly heart and zeal. It is […]