
Midweek Announcements

This Sunday, February 18, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary will chant Vespers at 5:00 pm at Omaha’s Cathedral of St. Cecelia. We hope that all of the parishioners of ICC will be able to attend this beautiful liturgy to start off Lent, and greet the priests, deacons and seminarians afterwards. Because of this office, ICC will not hold our usual 3:30 pm Vespers and Adoration.

On Friday, February 16, we will “erect” the temporary Stations of the Cross in the gymnasium. This is the equivalent of blessing the fourteen images, and the wooden crosses which mark each station. Praying the Way of the Cross is part of the ceremony. We will start the ceremony at 10:45 am. The first part, which is the blessing, will take about 30 minutes, so we will begin the actually praying of the Stations at the usual time of 11:15 am. We will be using the meditations of St. Alphonsus Liguori. Copies are available in the back of the church or you can download a copy of them below.

Finally, there are two very worthy prolife initiatives right now in the back of church. Please take a plastic container for Lenten alms for Mater Filius House. Please also sign up for the 40 days for life. Details regarding both are in the bulletin.