
Palm Sunday Details

  • Please recall that the Mass schedule tomorrow is 7:00 am low mass, 9:30 am solemn mass, blessing of palms, distribution and procession, 1:00 pm low mass.
  • There are copies of the English translation of the Passion of St. Matthew that will be read or sung at all three Masses.
  • There are copies of the Blessing of Palms at the church entrances for the 9:30 am.
  • Copies of the ICC Parish Directory are available for $5 in the back of church.
  • There are also 20 copies of the three Offices of Tenebrae in English and Latin with the Gregorian Chant for purchase. We will have a limited number of copies available to use during these offices but if you want to be sure to have one, you can pick it up this Sunday for $6