
Midweek Announcements

  • March 1 is a First Friday. Because of Stations of the Cross after the 6:00 pm Mass, we will have Adoration starting at 5:00 pm and First Friday prayers at 5:30 pm. We will be doing the Stations of St. Alphonsus, which can be found here.
  • Following the 6:00 pm Mass, the children’s mini-recollection will start with Stations of the Cross. After Stations the children 12 and under are invited to go to the usual classrooms for catechism where there will be two short talks. Following the talks we will go back to the chapel to conclude with a time of prayer. It will end at 8:30 pm. Parents should pick up their children up at the gym chapel.
  • The Knights of the Altar will meet this Saturday for their regular monthly practice. Following the practice in the gym chapel, we hope to go to Columbus Park (24th and Woolworth) to play dodgeball. This will depend on having enough cars and parents who are safe environment certified. The boys should bring cloths for the occasion and any parents who can help with the driving are asked to come by 11:00 am to help with the shuttling.
  • There is a Nine Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe which has begun at the Shrine in La Crosse to pray for Church and the world in these troubled times. We would encourage all to sign up for it: