Visit of Fr. Massimo Botta
Fr. Massimo Botta will be making a brief visit to Omaha and will offer a Sung Mass here at ICC on this Wednesday night, November 30, the…
Novena for Those to be Confirmed
From November 12 to November 20, we will be praying a Novena together as a parish for the 31 young men and women who will receive the…
Preparing December 8 Parish Dinner
We will have a great celebration in the evening once again for our patronal feast day of the Immaculate Conception. There will be a…
Corporal Works of Mercy
“Bear ye one another’s burdens; and so you shall fulfill the law of Christ.” In following up on this exhortation of St. Paul a few…
Debt Reduction Success!
In January 2020, an effort was begun to pay down the outstanding loan balances for the various major projects completed on our…
Midweek Announcements
Adoration this Thursday Morning Due to the set up and decoration of the church tomorrow for the procession. The morning Adoration will…
Candlelight Marian Procession in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima October 13
Please join us on the evening of October 13 for a Mass and procession in honor of the final apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. ICC will…
Midweek Announcements
The Midterm Elections are coming up on November 8. Make sure that you are registered to vote and know the candidates who are fully in…
Mass of Burial for Rosemary Baines Turner on October 6, 2022
Mrs. Rosemary Baines Turner, the mother of Maryrose Turner, and a parishioner of ICC, passed away on Sunday, October 2, 2022, after being…