Requiem Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Immaculate Conception Church will offer a Solemn Requiem Mass with absolution at the catafalque for the repose of the soul of Benedict…
Immaculate Conception Church will offer a Solemn Requiem Mass with absolution at the catafalque for the repose of the soul of Benedict…
Youth Group this Friday will entirely consist of assisting with the practice for the Christmas Play. Thus, it will only go from…
On December 28, the feast of the Holy Innocents, ICC will have a Sung Mass for the End of Abortion in Nebraska at 6:00 pm. Please join us…
We will be holding our annual Christmas Party and Nativity Play on Sunday, January 1, following a solemn Mass at 1:00 pm (rather than…
In order to prepare well for the feast of Christmas with a good confession, ICC will have multiple additional times offered for the…
We hope to be able to bless all the houses of the parish once again for Epiphany this year during the Octave, January 6-13. In order to…
This Thursday, December 15, we will not have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for the full morning. Fr. Audino is away doing blessings…
Fr. Massimo Botta will be making a brief visit to Omaha and will offer a Sung Mass here at ICC on this Wednesday night, November 30, the…
From November 12 to November 20, we will be praying a Novena together as a parish for the 31 young men and women who will receive the…